Tuesday, February 21, 2012

547 Days Later

Well. This is the last email home from my mission. There are about 7 days left of this experience. I have no idea how I'm going to handle them :)

This week was full of meetings, almost every day we were at the mission office for something or other. We didn't have much time in our area as it seemed, but in the end I feel like there was a lot that we accomplished last week. We met with and had some really spirit filled lessons with some investigators, new members and less actives too. I testified, and my companion testified, and the spirit bore witness that our words were true. I felt the fire of that spirit burning within my soul and I knew that they were true.

I called Sister Holm this week, my companion from Xinzhu. I'd eaten lunch with a member from Xinzhu and she'd told me that one of the investigators that I'd been teaching down there was going to be baptized. Sister Holm confirmed, she was baptized, after almost a year of investigating the church (which is a pretty good chunk of time). I remember sitting in lessons with Yang Jia Ru, and laying it out in front of her, but she was not ready then. She knew it was true and just had a few small things to overcome. But she finally did it and I know that she will be a strong member for the rest of her life. It made me so happy to hear. Because of my crazy moving habit on my mission I haven't had a pleasure of knowing the outcomes of a lot of investigators. So it was very special to hear about Jia Ru.

We had my last Zone conference this last week, and there is a tradition amongst missionaries that at the last Zone Conf you get up and bear your testimony about your mission. I have been watching these happen my whole mission and I've always wondered what I should say. Well my time arrived and I had been stressing about it all week, half the mission was there and I wanted to express myself clearly about my mission and my feelings about it. The meeting was great and the testimonies usually are at the end. We have to do a lot of 'spiritual prep' for these things usually, they include reading certain sections of Preach My Gospel or the scriptures and preparing a 2 minute talk that you may or may not be called on to give. Well just after a break in the meeting I was talking with my companion when the elder conducting the meeting announced that a few people would be coming up for talks. My name was the first one called of course and it was also the only thing that I heard. I hurriedly turned to ask the elder behind me what talk I was supposed to give and he said "The talk." He had talked to me a few minutes before about me sharing my testimony and I was really flustered so I quickly walked up to the pulpit not quite sure what I was supposed to be talking about. I stood up there awkwardly for at least thirty seconds in silence as my brain raced before my mouth just started going and I had to reign it in. I bore my testimony on my mission and what I had learned and the difference it made to me. It wasn't exactly how I pictured it, but it was pretty ok. At least there were no tears. I went and sat down and then the next guy stood up and to my horror started giving his 2 minute talk...and I realized that I'd given the wrong talk and completely the wrong time, in front of half of the mission...Haha. It was really awkward. And in retrospect really funny. Usually because of time the talks aren't supposed to exceed 2 minutes and a watch timer goes off when you do to let you know your time is up. But I must have stood up there for at least 8 or 9 minutes and there was no beep, the assistants must have shut it off when they realized that I was giving my testimony and not the talk haha. No one told me or notified me otherwise as I stood up there sharing my soul. However highly incredibly and excruciatingly awkward it was once I realized back in my seat that I'm seriously and very publicly screwed up, it was also really funny. I guess people still appreciated my talk. And when the actual testimony time came I explained that I'd completely missed the announcement and was now going to give my real talk and it was all ok. But just a warning to all those who don't pay attention to church meetings, perk up, lest they call your name.

Besides that interesting experience there was really too much that happened this week to fully explain. I don't know how to make it into words I think. So I'll keep it simple. I've learned so much out here, and this 547 days have felt like 5 years. I think a mission probably ages you at least 10. I have learned so much about the gospel and God that I did not understand before, and I have a relationship with my Father in Heaven that I never thought could exist. I have learned to line up my priorities and what things really matter. I have learned about people. I have learned about myself. And I have learned about life. I almost didn't come, I almost didn't make it, but I am so so very glad that I did. I'm going to take this last opportunity as a missionary emailing home to lay it down. The gospel is true. All of it. Simple and pure. The Atonement of Christ is real. And it has saved my life. And I will never be able to be grateful enough.

I love you all. I will be seeing you soon!
Sister Melissa Thiessen

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hello everyone! Its a wonderful Monday morning her in Tianmu, Taiwan. The city is waking up and the sun is shining...ok not yet because its too early but it will be soon. It will be a great day today. Last week was a great week too, it went by swiftly because of all the wonderfully full days we had planned. Things are finally starting to pick up in this area after much gentle coaxing and some frustrated mutterings. We had a good number of lessons and even some miracles this week.

This Monday was not p-day because we again had temple day on Wednesday. Tuesday all of our 7 lessons canceled miraculously as my companion got a migraine and we were forced to take it indoors and stay in our apartment all day. Wednesday we went up a beautiful gondola ride over the mountains of northern Taiwan with one of my favorite companions and her trainee. Thursday we had temple tours, and it was sister Daye's first time. We saw a lot of miracles and ended up with 9 referrals by the end of the day. Friday we had all of the people that canceled on Tuesday meet with us, and Saturday we had our Weekly planning session.

Sunday was the best day though. We saw many miracles. It seems to happen quite often as a missionary that the hardest thing to do is get your investigators to church. Saturday night they turn off their phones or even tell you they are going to come and then turn off their phones Sunday morning and don't show up. We were looking at another dismal Sunday where they all stood us up when three people unexpectedly arrived! And then two people that the Elders had found on the street and invited to church also miraculously chose to come as well. That doesn't really happen. It was beautiful and miraculous. Sister Daye who has only been here for three weeks and as of yet has not developed in the language to quite a fluent point was juggling three investigators in one ward by herself as I was in the other with the other three. She did amazing though and we got two new set ups who will hopefully pan out into new investigators.

But Sunday night was the best part. The first Sunday of every month there is a new member and investigator fire side in the chapel next to the temple (which is the headquarters of the church in Taiwan) and they are always amazing. Most of my mission (if they are within train-ride limits) try to come but you have to bring a New member or an investigator to come. Most people find one. We almost didn't last night but miraculously one came. It was good because that was my last chance to attend one of these amazing meetings. The speakers were a family that I knew in Xinzhu actually, they drove the 2 hour ride to come up to Taipei to speak at the fireside. The one that I know the best is the oldest daughter, her name is Zoe. She met the church through English class where she saw an elder sitting on the couch reading the Book of Mormon and was curious. She said, I've never seen that one before, only the bible, could you loan me a copy so I can read it. A missionaries dream come true. He said, no, I'll give you this one for free! She started meeting with the missionaries and soon was bringing her little brother to church, then her older brother too. Then she brought the missionaries home to meet her parents. Soon her whole family was baptized all together. It healed her family unit which before was falling apart, partly due to her fathers bad drinking and smoking habits. They are all such amazing people and I was so happy to get to see Zoe before I leave Taiwan.

Well that is all. Know that I love you people! I will talk to you next week
Sister Melissa Thiessen

Many new pictures will soon to be up on her blog. look back in a day or two. haha melissathiessen.blogspot.com


No more food. Ever.

Chinese new year is a terrifying experience for any waistline. I feel I should warn anyone with any opportunity to experience one. Last week we ate so much food. The members are too good too us, we had at least to feasts a day, and sometimes three since we wanted to get to know more members but have two wards to cover consequently occasionally going to two dinners or lunches...Asian culture is not really something that you can politely refuse, They just take your bowl and give you more. So there is a secret key, you keep your bowl tilted in your direction so they can't see how much food you haven't got left and eat very slowly. One grain of rice at a time if necessary. And you talk, so they eat and don't urge you to eat more...Small tactics that only take you so far but every little bit helps. The worst is when they take you to a beautiful 7 course meal steak restaurant. Then you have to eat it all...*sigh* My companion and I this week are eating only rice and fruit to try to shrink our stomachs back to a semi-regular size...

Besides that not much occurred last week, our numbers all took a dip for guonian (new years) despite our efforts at finding. Everyone goes to the south or the middle of Taiwan for guonian to be with their families. But that's ok. We press on. Sister Daye and I are getting along wonderfully. She is a beautiful person and I thank the Lord every day we can laugh with each other. I don't know what I did to get to be so privileged to have such a great trainee, and enjoy my last transfer so much. I can't express the gratitude I have to the Lord for all that I have learned out here and all that I have been able to experience. And even though my mission has been a-typical in a lot of ways, and I haven't seen hundreds of baptisms, the Lord has blessed me and I hope that somehow through my feeble efforts I have been able to make myself useful to him over this period of time in Taiwan.

I still have 4 weeks. I will push right on till it ends.

We get to go to the temple today, which is why this comes on a Wednesday... I'm pretty excited. But that also means I must go. Well I love you all. Thanks for you time and support and know that I pray for you. Have a great week!

Sister Melissa Thiessen