Sunday, August 8, 2010

Guten Tag

Almost from the moment I stepped off the plane in Munich I felt like I was entering a lost part of my history. I remember more fully once again why Germany is one of my favorite places that we have lived. On the two and a half hour ride from the air port to Grafenwoehr (when I wasn't lamenting the loss of my blackberry or dozing) I marveled at the lush landscape decorated by beautiful red roofed towns. Oh to have so many trees again! It makes me happy. And I have a good appreciation for Germans, who for the most part are a fairly friendly and sensible people. Sleep deprived as I was (which was quite), I managed to not sleep the day away, instead I took a bike tour around the small yet cute post of Graf. with Jacob.

Today we attended the small Ameri-German ward. It was interesting to hear the sacrament given first in German, then in English. I lament the loss of the sparse German I once knew. Hopefully I can pick some up again, its an interesting language both to speak and read. After church we wandered into sinful indulgence and bought Jacob and I bikes so we could all ride together and get around post this upcoming week. We then took the coolest ride to a duck park off post in the village outside and had a picnic. Jacob and I relived our youth and gave the see-saw a good go. Then we continued our ride through a light drizzle around the village and into the forest. Now mind you, I haven't ridden a bike in probably 5 years, but I didn't crash into anything! Which I was perfectly happy with.

We ended the ride at an ice cream shop and I remembered that German ice cream is entirely superior to most American stuff. You see, Germans actually like their ice cream (and most foods) to taste real, not artificial, and as a strange side effect they use real fruit and whole ingredients to flavor it. Weird I know, right? Jacob also managed to break a peddle off his brand new bike, then flatten the tire. So we traded it in for a new one.

Now we are back cozy-ed up in my dad's 400 sq ft temp apartment chilling through the rest of the afternoon. Jacob and I are rockin' the Disney tunes.

It was an entirely enjoyable sunday. And I am so thankful for the time I have been given to spend together with my family before we are on 4 different continents.

I know this is kinda a lame update, but I promise to spice the next one up with pictures!

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