Tuesday, October 19, 2010

30 days left in the MTC??

One month left in the MTC, thats just 30 days! Wow.

This week...what have I done this week?

We got the new missionaries in, and like a breath fresh from babylon they came. With them they brought the rejuvinating zest of those fresh to the work. They all seem pretty friendly and excited to be here. One odd thing of note, I thought it was kinda strange to have my brother here at the MTC the same time I am, well there is one sister and brother pair here both in the same zone!! They are both mandarin speaking, she is going to taiwan and he is going to singapore! How strange is that? I'm not sure how I would feel though I guess its a pretty cool thing haha.

We got our new tongban (companion) Her name is Sister Fleming. She hails from utah and she is probably the very most excited missionary I have ever met. she is excited about absolutely everything about the MTC and this new calling. Sometimes her great enthusiasm can be a bit much to take, but she has a very sweet spirit. She already knows a good deal of chinese and knows many of the actual characters not just the pinyin so I know that I can learn a lot from her. It is however quite an adjustment to go from constantly keeping track of just one other person to having two to have with you at all times.

We also taught for the first time in a tripanionship on saturday. Our second lession in Chinese. It went so much better than the first in my humble opinion. (Sister fleming also did great) We get in the room to teach and low and behold whom do I find?! My dear old roommate Lexi!! I had been wondering for 7 weeks now if I would get to see her, much less teach her. It was a little nerve wracking to teach someone I knew so well, but I managed all right I think.

My classes are now almost entriely in chinese, which is pretty intense. But on a good day I can understand 50-60% of it. Which is pretty amazing. I'm really trying to SYL (speak your language) more, and set a good examples for the new missionaries. I've been doing better at it, and I am surprised how much of a difference it really makes. My teachers do know something after all I guess eh?

I gave a talk on Sunday! In Chinese. Oh yeah. Well it was actually more like I shared a scripture and then I testified...but hey, It was pretty good if I do say so myself. The branch presidency assigns two missionaries each week to give talks. the catch is that they don't announce who those two will be until that sunday, right before sacrament. So everyone has to prepare talks. these talks are the terror of the Zone, everyone dreads being called every sunday. I kind of had the inside info on it though, Last sunday, my two roommates are the music coordinators and they get to see the magical presidency sheet of answers. they saw my name to give a talk. But an elder in my district, one dear Elder Randal (the elder from newzeland) volunteered and removed my neck from the chopping block. So this week I was entirely prepared and delivered an amazing product. Even if it was under 4 minutes...

Well, thats all I have time for dear friends and family. But I thank you all again so much for your support and your continued mail efforts. they bring the sunshine to my very crowded week. I miss you all and wish you a good week!

Sister Melissa Thiessen

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