Monday, November 1, 2010

Where has the MTC time gone?!

Happy Halloween everyone!! My love and absolute devotion goes out to everyone who sent me paraphernalia to celebrate. I used it, and I wore certain items all weekend. Namely certain Halloween springy headbands....They brought much joy and amusement to everyone who saw me walking around with antennae all weekend.

I only have 16 days left at the MTC!! Woot! I get my travel plans this week so I know when and when I fly out. Whether I leave on Monday or Tuesday and what time. I hope they put us al on the same plane, because some times they don't. I will spend two days in the mission home in Taipei so get orientated then shoved out into the real world. I am way excited to get out of the box. So since I only have two weeks left here...those who really love me would send me letters this week to Taiwan so that they will be there when I arrive and I can feel that love physically...:)

So this week, we had our second visit from an apostle. On Tuesday, that makes twice in a row for devotional. All the branch presidents were very surprised. No one could remember two apostles coming in a row before (and there is talk of another coming tomorrow for devo, I guess we shall see) I guess we need it here at the MTC.

This week it was Richard G Scott. He gave a truly amazing talk on the Spirit, and how we can be receptive to it, and the importance of revelation. It was so powerful. He actually took the time to write up a handout telling us about personal revelations and experiences with the spirit, from his whole life, and everyone got a copy. It was Amazing!! Knowledge direct from the life of an Apostle of God! How often does that happen? When has an apostle actually brought a handout to a talk? I can't think of a time, though I haven't seen too many apostles talk. We were strictly directed not to reprint, or translate this paper. He said it was directly for us here at the MTC. Very cool.

Also, he gave us 4 Apostolic Blessings. I've never seen one of those given, much less 4. I don't think they were planned, they had the feel of being directed by the spirit. Apparently the Lord thinks we at the MTC really needed them, I think it was inspired because those blessings were exactly what I needed. He focused a segment directly on the sisters, he seemed very concerned with our safety and health. He gave the sisters specifically a blessing of protection. He said he invoked a shield of protection on the sisters as long as we are obedient to the Lord, he will guide us and warn us of danger ahead of time that we may have safety. He also gave us a requirement to keep ourselves healthy and active, and not to over work ourselves. I thought that was interesting. The concern he had for us was honestly very endearing.

The other blessings were to all the missionaries in general. He gave us a blessing that we may be confident in our impressions of the spirit, and that it will guide us and give us revelation. He blessed us that the lessons we learn on our missions we will retain and be able to apply throughout our lives. And he blessed us, and this is my favorite, each of us with the gift of tongues. An apostle of God instilled within each of us the capacity to learn our language, his words there. How amazing is that?! Now if only I can gain the faith to access that blessing haha.

So we had a devo last Sunday and the speaker was very into crowd participation. He had us all stand up for various things. He said a few that I stood up for, like, "have you ever felt depressed or discouraged so far on your mission." "Have you struggled" "have you thought about going home". Jacob was sitting in front of me several rows and every time he would turn around and look to see if I was standing. The other day in the cafeteria at lunch he came to the head of my table and stood there with his arms wide open like he wanted a hug. "What, here?" I asked him, he just stood there waiting, so I got up and gave him a hug, much to the gasps of our audience. He told me, "That is from Dad. And also from me, because you shouldn't be standing."

I thought it was really sweet.

Anyway, it was an amazing talk and I quite enjoyed it. My time is up though, I wish I could share more with you all but alas, I cannot.
Have a great week.

Sister Thiessen

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