Monday, January 24, 2011


I am now halfway through my second transfer, the weeks went by pretty fast. This week went by pretty fast. So fast in fact that I don't have much to say! Ha.

I do have some things through. Since my companion is the coordinating sister we go on exchanges very often. At least once a week, and this week twice! It could get really irksome having to bounce around often, but I prefer the mindset of excitement. I get to see all the areas in our Zone! And I get to meet more of the sisters, some sisters never get to do that. So this week Sister Li went to Neihu on Monday and Tuesday and one of the sisters that was in the transfer ahead of me in the MTC came here. Sister Tanner is a load of fun, she is from southern CA and has an unending supply of energy. We English tracted on the corner of a huge intersection in the rain (that’s when you have the signs advertising our free English class and one companion stands and waves it and the other contacts everyone they can as soon as the light turns red.) With Sister Tanner it was a good experience. She Bounced up and down waving that sign and shouting to everyone. She really is motivating. She is only on her 3rd transfer and I am only on my second, so lessons were interesting. But we got through them unscathed!! it was a miracle.

The second transfer I went to Shirlin. And Shirlin is beautiful! I was with the adorable Sister Dowdle. She is someone that since coming on island and meeting, I have always wanted to be companions with. She is on her 9th transfer so maybe I won't be so blessed but I am thankful for the opportunity to exchange with her. She is a great example in her testimony, her obedience, and her vigor. She loves the gospel, and she loves to share it.

That’s pretty much all I have to report on. Sorry this week is a little lame. Next week I hope to have more miracles to share with you all.

Thank you all for the mail! and the letter-formed-Love! I got a ton of Christmas cards and letters from people this last week and I am grateful to each and every one of you. You know who you are! Yes you! Thank you! They brighten my week. Keep up the good work my friends.

Until we write again,
Sister Melissa Thiessen

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