Monday, September 26, 2011

This week was pretty normal. It went by really fast. I'm slipping right into the role of the senior companion I think. I can see my teaching skills and my lesson leading skills improving. Sister Holm really helps a lot too. She is only on her 3rd transfer and already her Chinese is really very good. She is a bold girl, and doesn't hesitate to tell anyone what is what. Its both a strength and a weakness. But I appreciate it most of the time. We have had some pretty good lessons this week.

We have a baptism this week, someone that I've only met once but Sister Holm is very excited to see baptized. I'm glad. We were going to have another one of our investigators get baptized on the same day but she was very very hesitant, she didn't want the interview. When I called her the night before however she agreed to it. She came and had the interview but she did not pass. Elder Yu, our district leader told me that she was great with everything, except that she has had an abortion, and she doesn't feel worthy to be baptized. We met with her yesterday to talk about it after church. She was very edgy, trying to hide behind jokes and laughter. But I was lead by the spirit and I think I asked exactly the right question. She hid her face in her hands and sobbed as we talked to her about repentance and forgiveness. She said that she feels that she has changed, she knows her past mistakes are wrong, and she would never do them again. But she cannot forgive herself for them. We talked to her about the atonement and how it makes us clean. Then we invited her to discuss with her father in heaven the matter and to ask him to help her forgive herself. When we told her she would need another interview with a different leader she said she wanted to take it slowly. We told her that we thought that she was ready, and that baptism was the way she could become completely clean and then asked her if she could have the interview on Thursday she said ok. It was a miracle. The spirit was very strong in the lesson. We hope that she can receive her answer.

Besides that not a too whole lot is happening here. Well besides the slow revival of XinZhu before our eyes. We are getting small miracles here, but those are what count. We are working on bringing this place back to life.

That's my report for this week. I hope you all are happy, healthy and successful. Remember you are loved all the way from Taiwan. I hope the week is great for every single one of you.
Sister Melissa Thiessen

Taiwan, Taipei Mission
Sister Melissa Thiessen
F4, No.24, Lane 183, Chin Hua St.
106-42 Taipei, TAIWAN

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