Monday, January 16, 2012

6 weeks, and a 'baby'?

This week started slow but then picked up pace as a wonky p-day then exchanges took up our time. We had interviews on Tuesday, and I was reminded by president how short my time left was. Its down to the quick. But I told him I would push it from now till the end because I would like to leave with this area better than I started with it,

It was also the week of my last move calls. Its a weird feeling and I didn't know if I was going to move areas. Mostly because well there were 5 sisters coming in from the MTC this transfer which meant someone could be whitewashing where they open a new area which is really intense cause you start from scratch. With new missionaries they arrive on a Wednesday night usually, so in the middle of the week before transfers. Thursday they go through a bunch of orientation in the morning then at night they go out to work with a companionship that comes in from a nearby area and then Friday the trainers come in and take them in a threesome to wait for transfers on Monday. So, Wednesday night we were hoping but I was not expecting to "babysit" the new missionaries (the one where you take them out to work for a night) Because these kinds of things never happen to me I was surprised and giddy when the Assistants called on Wednesday night and asked us to babysit on Thursday. Then we had to call back later to get some details and one of the Assistants kind of added on before I got off the phone that I had also kinda been called on to train. I was shocked. Because the new training program is reportedly supposed to require two transfers to train I thought my chances to train were done with. But I guess God had other plans.

So we now have a new missionary with us. Her name is Sister Daye hailing from Midville UT. I think we will get along. I am seeing some things that are making me realize that God really is sitting up there arranging everything. It was sort of a necessary thing for me to have Sister Oler when I did, for both of us I think. I really have a strong testimony the the people that the Lord has put me with on my mission as companions and in the areas that I work in are necessary for me at that time and I grow the most from them. I think that has definitely happened this weird transfer and I think it will happen the next transfer too. Its amazing to sit back and watch how God's plans just sort of work out.

So the last six weeks I will definitely have to focus harder than ever so I can leave this little 'baby' with a good impression and a good mission tone. Its amazing to see her adjust to Asia, and to see her take on the challenges from the language and the culture and the food all with new eyes. Especially because she hasn't had any experience with Asia and also because I an in the opposite place of my mission. Its an strange contrast. But I am enjoying the weirdness. I think that it will be a good transfer. I guess President found a sure way to keep me from being trunky! I cant make her trunky, she has just started!

Well I love you all. Write and send your love! I will talk to y'all next week. Happy chinese new year!

Love Sister Melissa Thiessen

Taiwan, Taipei Mission
Sister Melissa Thiessen
F4, No.24, Lane 183, Chin Hua St.
106-42 Taipei, TAIWAN

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