Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I love living inside a question mark...

The past few weeks of my life have been...interesting. With the sudden onset and finalization of my long term plans (i.e. Taiwan) my short term plans have ceased to be in focus, though the two really aren't correlated.

    The entire family vacillated on the point of moving our household across the big pond to Germany. Now, we've known for a while now, since my fathers return from Iraq, that we were headed that way. It is a matter of when. Upon my homecoming from my self-purpose-discovering stint in Provo we were geared to immeadiately commence the moving process, pack up, and be gone within two and a half weeks.

   The date changed, the plan changed, we don't have a place to live, my mother could be working, she could not be working, we could not be moving, we could move north, no we're moving south we could move and live in a cardboard box, date changed again... Oh the joys of a military family.

   We are probably  moving. Or my dad will get sent to Afghanistan for another year and I have no idea what my mother will be doing. It looks like she is going to be dissabled. This is a good thing. We have been angling that way for about two years, and it gives her all kinds of freedoms that the job in Germany restricted, but also ties her down to the states a bit longer. Which is good and bad. It wouldn't be nearly so pleasant to be in Europe all alone for a year if my father gets sent to the Middle East (...again...) and my younger brother and I are on Missions.

   We don't know when we are moving. But the house is very nearly completely empty, save a living room of junk, a table, a couple of air mattresses and one bed. We sent our dear dogs and my cat to Holland, where they are making noisy residence with some good friends of ours until we have a place to live. We remodeled pretty much every trashy rundown aspect of the very first house my family has ever owned, just to move again. Lovely to know that all the sweat educing effort we put into landscaping, fencing, pasture-making, laying sod, installing granite counter tops, laying new carpet, replacing the kitchen floor, tiling, and building a new bathroom will be enjoyed so someone else.

Aaah, cest la vie.

But we are certainly going to vacation in Hawaii in 4 weeks. Hmm...yum.

After that? Who knows?  We'll see.

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