Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Another Conference come and gone in the field.
Since we are in a foreign country where conference must be gone over and translated conference was a week later here. So we watched it this weekend. We got to watch it in English thankfully, it would have been pointless to try in Chinese. Ha. Though my MTC teacher was the translator from English to Chinese, which made my heart swell with a special kind of pride. :p
It was pretty sweet, the missionaries got their own private room with our own tv to watch it in English. And it was amazing. I don't know how I didn't appreciate these things when I was younger...okay maybe I do understand how a child would think sitting and watching old men talk about religion for 4 hours two days in a row is a little..."unprefferable." But I am so glad that I now understand that they are men (and women!!) of God and their words are from God. It was like the best kind of spiritual refreshment. The topic seemed to run a lot along marriage this time around. Young men received a repentance call to get married and then how about Elder Scott's talk about his wife and their marriage? That was the most precious thing. Who wouldn't want a marriage like that. If you haven't seen it, go online and look it up on LDS.org. It will inspire you to serve your spouse and build your marriage up under God. Watch it!
We also had 5 investigators at conference this week! That to me is amazing, its the biggest struggle of the mission to get people to come to church, and I pray that they payed attention and didn't fall asleep because the spirit was there. Saturday's sessions especially where an answer to my prayers. I received another conformation, like a engulfing flame causing my heart to burn that the words these men spoke where truth. Pure an directly inspired by God. There is nothing and no person on this earth that inspires me and gives me the desire to become a better person, to serve others, and love the people around me like this gospel does. Nothing that is so driving, so motivating and so imbued with the power to so wholly change a persons life can come anywhere from a loving God, one who Fathered our Souls and cares about us each individually.
Funny story of the week. Sister Wynder and I were unlocking our bikes in front of the train station on Friday and I heard a group of guys laughing and joking behind me. I didn't pay any attention to them until I hear numbers being thrown about. I listened in as one of them said "180, she's 180 cm." And another said, "No, she's taller than that." Then another said, "Go ask her," and the first said "No! I don't speak English, you ask her!" So I turned around and looked at them all with my hands on my hips and said, "I speak Chinese. And I'm 188 cm." They all stood shocked for a few seconds then burst out laughing at each other. Sister Wynder and I laughed about it the rest of the day too.
Well that's all the time I have. I love you all! And I hope you are doing well on the other half of the world.
Sister Melissa Thiessen

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