Monday, April 4, 2011

Sweet Rain is my name!

Reporting from Zhong Li.
This week went by wicked fast. Its been great though. Sister Wynder and I are tearing it up here in Zhong Li, and its like we go out to play every day. Its been too much fun.
Zhong Li is very different from Taidong and I have to say that I appreciate the beat that pulses through the city up here in the north of this island. The pace is fast, the people are busy, and the rejection rate is high. Its great. We have a lot of investigators and we juggle them all trying to fit them all in. We are busy all the time but its good busy.
Sister Wynder and I have great unity in lessons. I moved up here and something changed. Suddenly I am talking to people. My Chinese still sucks horribly, but I am comfortable with Sister Wynder and we talk and joke and share the gospel with all of our investigators. On Wednesday night at English class I didn't teach, I was the desk person, but I had an hour and a half long talk with the father of a little girl attending class. In solid Chinese. It was by no means perfect but we actually had a conversation, for an hour and a half. It was amazing...a miracle you could say. I have soooo far to go. I still bu dong (don't understand) a lot but its getting better. When the subject is about the gospel I can talk and people understand what I say through the gaps and bad grammar. I'm so thankful. I hope with Sister Wynder my Chinese will improve much faster.
Oh, I also got a full Chinese name this week from some of our member and investigators.
Sun Tian Yu. It means sweet rain. hah. :p
Well that's all I have time to write...sorry its so short! But I do love you all.
Write me?!
Sister Melissa Thiessen

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