Wednesday, December 14, 2011

hen jiu bu jian.

So there have been some interesting things recently occurring here in xinzhu Taiwan, particularly in the life of this sister missionary. Last last week were move calls, and nothing really exciting happened (even though I was really hoping that I could train) Sister Holm and I stayed together and not much else happened. Except I have passed through probably the most trying and low point in my mission at least thus far but considering the time I have left it might more fully count in a whole kind of sense. ( I guess that should offer me some great comfort because its all smooth sailing from here then right? Hah. Probably not. :) ) I won't go into details because that would take too long, but suffice it to know that it was not a happy time. And it really dashed my faith against the rocks. But I learned a great deal from it. I learned about optimism, I learned about taking action in faith and I learned that sometimes the plan the Lord has in mind for us doesn't always line up with the way we see it. God's ways really are not out own, and it is left to us to learn humility and accept that especially when it hurts so we can see the happiness waiting on us if we pull through the storm clouds.

This week found us with an unexpected surprise. Wednesday we were heading to the city next to ours to meet with the district there to practice a musical number for an activity that we were going to do. As we were riding the phone started to ring so we pulled over on this little scenic bike path thing and I looked at the phone. It was the assistants. It was a little bit of a shocking thing, because the assistants don't call for whatever reason. Usually its just about official business,.. So I answer the phone and the assistant Elder Young tells me that he has a message for me straight from president and I'm all thinking great what did I do, and then he says that I am part of a secret plan. He said that I needed to swiftly acquire the trainer handbook and start studying that as fast as possible, especially some certain parts. He sounded like it was pretty important that I get on this and quick, but he said he couldn't tell me why. So Sister Holm and I were all abuzz and curious and such. But we didn't really know why, it had to be that I was training or something because they would have no other reason to secretly give me the hand book, which they give to people to prepare to train.

So the next day we have Elder Young fax us some pages because I couldn't get them from the mission home for a couple of days, and when I saw the parts he wanted me to start studying first it all clicked in my head and I think I have it all figured out. Trainers must train for two transfers now. And the church provides a very scheduled and regulated like syllabus thing that you have to follow for studies and training, and its organized by what you have to study and do every week for 12 weeks. He wanted me to study weeks 9-12. So there is also another situation in the mission right now with sisters. All the sisters in the transfer just older than me (4 sisters) are going home a just over half a transfer early so they can start school. So the mission is trying to find out how to cover for them spontaneously leaving. Two of those sisters are in the middle of training and when they leave it will be the 9th week. Which matches up with the part they wanted me to study. So I think that all along president had it planned for me to take over for one of them when they leave, which is why he didn't have me train last move call. Gods plans sometimes are really unexpected, but He sure has got them. So chances are that I will be moving on emergency move calls up to Taipei next Monday. It will probably be me because if I stay here and the trainee comes down here Sister Holm would have to go white wash (start over) with the area up there that the sisters would be leaving, because no one would know the investigators or anything. And that is pretty tough, and they will probably have to put Sister Holm with a duanchuan (short term replacement missionary that is a volunteer from a ward in our mission). It could happen that she moves. but it will probably me me moving. Again. Hah. Of course this is just how I think it will go down so its not for sure cause I really don't know anything...but that's how I think it will go down.

I would really be sad to leave XinZhu so close to Christmas. Sis Holm and I were really excited to spend Christmas together. It was going to be good, and now I might be leaving the week before, so I would get to a new place just before and not know anyone. Sad day. But its all good. I could handle it, I'm a moving pro. I will really miss it here if that is my destiny though. I love the members and the investigators and the missionaries down in this little far corner area. I had been hoping to spend my last couple of transfers in one area. But as I have recently learned so well, my plan doesn't necessarily mean that its Gods plan. And his is usually so much better.

Well that is that. And I love you all. have a good week! I get to call home this week to talk to my dad and my brother before they rocket off to other sides of the globe again, so mine will be good :)
Sister Melissa Thiessen

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