Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Holiday Surprise

So it is the second week of the transfer and last Thursday just as our studies were ending we get a surprise call from the Assistants in which they inform me that they can now tell me of the secret plan. Its as I had expected, an emergency move call to take the place of the sisters leaving. I was informed that I would be moving back up to Taipei, a city called Shilin, to take over the second half of training for a sister Oler. It threw every plan we had for the weekend into a spin of disarray as we struggled to get everything in order to move. I was moving, my companion Sister Holm was taking over as a new senior companion, and there was a new sister moving in. I had to pack all of my stuff, get the area in order, and say my goodbyes.
Goodbyes, what a hard thing this time around. I can honestly say that I thought I would be ending my mission in the little metropolis of Xinzhu, and I had invested quite a bit of love into that little place. I have to say that it was my favorite area as far as the place, the investigators and the members. I will miss it much-ly. The members were also quite loving as I was leaving and all very concerned and surprised. It was a touching display of affection.
When I came into the area of Xinzhu it was much like white washing, starting completely over because the area was floundering with no active investigators and no finding happening. When I left we had 20+ investigators and we were doing very well. I saw a great deal of success and miracles in that area and it will always have a peace of my heart and it will always be a place I love. And I will also miss Sister Holm. It was the strangest feeling as we started out with different companions from the mission home. Sister Holm is and will be my longest companion on the mission and it was like parting with family when I left her. It was something that I hadn't quite experienced before, because usually I'm not so invested in my companions. I will really miss her. And I will miss spending Christmas with her as well.
I am now in Shilin and I don't know much about the place yet. I have been here once before, long long ago in my second transfer on exchanges. But I have high hopes for the place. It seems like a good area. We will see how it unfolds. My new companion/trainee is Sister Oler from Houston TX. From my Aunt Stacie's ward actually. Funny story, when she got her mission call and my aunt found out she gave sister Oler my email. Sister Oler emailed me and asked questions about Taiwan. When I replied I said that by the time she got here I would be an old missionary and maybe I would train her. I was actually surprised the transfer she first got here and I didn't. But then...I did. And that's how the Lord works. She seems like a pretty cool girl so far, I don't know much about her yet except that she is very outspoken and spunky. I think we will get along :) Well see how well the 'training' part goes. Though it is a godsend to be able to have a full hour of language study again.
So Christmas is coming in only a week...and I am not feeling it. Its not even cold here in Shilin (though it sure was in xinzhu!). I've gotta do something to invite the Christmas spirit. This is my second Christmas in Taiwan and I as still missing the family. But that's ok, because my whole family is in 5 different continents for Christmas anyway so at least we are all missing each other together with unity! Ha. I'll be home for the next one.
I hope you all have a very merry Christmas, and do remember why it is that we have a Christmas in the first place. Its not just about the pretty tree and the shiny paper. I love you all. And I love my Savior. Say happy birthday to Christ with some good deeds this year my friends.
Sister Melissa Thiessen

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