Monday, June 27, 2011

Endure to the End Week.

This week was much like the week from eternity. It seemed to drag on and on and on. Probably much due to the fact that all of our previous investigators, so good just two weeks ago, have started not answering their phones. And standing us up at schedualed lesson times. Which puts us outside contacting all day. We contacted a ton this week, and were rejected a ton this week. New people were hard to come by. We tracted and talked to people on the street, in parks, in the metro station, on scooters and on our bikes. We took a member tracting with us on saturday and I felt bad for her because it was also solid rejection.
We labled last week endure to the end week.
Besides that our most golden investigator laid out a law of chastity problem for us this week. It will set her back by quite a bit and we a, wei fan, ctually aren't sure how to help her over come it. She has a lot of desire for baptism so we are hoping we can just build on that until we can overcome what holds her back. Her boyfriend.
We have another investigator, Lora, started a 180. She before has been really luke warm towards the gosple and meeting with us. She started looking into the church because she has a long time 'friend' from south africa that moved to taiwan and has been looking for a christian church that speaks english. He doesn't speak any chinese. Well we have some english wards here so she hooked him up and started taking lessons herself just to see what they would be teaching him, they are taking the lessons seperately. She hasn't kept any commitments before, and she is really shy and quiet and wont say much. Last time we met with her she looked like we were going to have to drop her. She said if she saw a change in her friend Frank she would continue learning. We met with her this time and her secret concern all came gushing out. She and Frank were fighting, because Frank hit her. Again. She has been struggling with an abusive relationship with him for 6 years. She said he doesn't hit her often, and usually not this hard, but it sounds like he is always very controling and very demanding and unappreciative. She loaned him a very large sum of money and this year he has started to pay her back little by little, but she said at this rate it will take him 5 years. She buys him everything, his clothes, his food, his toys, and he tells her that she doesn't have any friends but him and is basically a huge jerk to thank her.
She wants to get out of it I think, though she still cares a lot about him. But she is worried that if she stops talking to him he will not continue to pay her back. And besides that she really doesn't have any other friends or things to do. She was over at his house like every day. So we thrust her into the gosple. She came to church at our ward for the first time yesterday and I think she really liked it. She didn't really speak to anyone but she came and thats huge. After she came to a singles activity and again, she was to shy to go talk to anyone but she came. We have a lot set up with her this week and I am really praying that she can feel the power of this gosple take root in her life and see some changes.
Well thats about all that there is for this week so...I hope you are all doing splendid! I have a lot of letter writing to catch up on today, so write me more!
I love you all,
Sister Melissa Thiessen

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