Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Temple Tours!

This week went by faster again. I'm starting to feel a little pressure from next transfer while only two weeks into this one, because next transfer I anticipate "going da!" Or becoming the Senior Companion. I really wouldn't mind another transfer with my current companion, but that will not be a blessing given me. I have pretty much convinced her, (Sister Wu) to try for BYU, which I am really excited for her to do. But that means that she has a long way to go with her English and that I, her first English speaking companion, only have 4 weeks left to help her. Therefore, in the weeks to come, there will be a lot more English spoken in my companionship.
We went on Exchanges this week, and I went to a little place called XinZhuang with our coordinating sister. I taught my first lesson to a man, because there are no elders in that area, and I also taught my first investigator trying to overcome a serious sin. He'd killed somebody. I'm not clear on the circumstances, we didn't really ask. But he'd lived a rough life with a rough crowd previously (as his one remaining eye attested) and he was ernestly seeking recompence.
Our investigators of late have been doing really well, we have a couple that are really becoming solid. Unfortunately, my very favorite, we have to give up to another area. Her name is Jing Fen, and she is one of the most sincere investigators I've ever met. She is a tiny little thing, really, really thin and little. She looks like she is 10 instead of 16. We met her one day outside the MRT station (the subway station) waiting for a friend. My companion contacted her and invited her to come to the church with us. I would definitely not have done it, gone walking off somewhere with two strange people that started talking to me on the street. Especially, since the way to get up to the little chaple here in Banqiao really passes as sketchy sometimes. But she came, and she has been awesome since. She comes from a bad family situation and I think the gospel can really help her. We met with her on Thursday, and the time before we'd given her a Book of Mormon. We asked her if she'd read it and she said a little. Then, she pulled it out and she had gone through the entire preface portion, marking and color coding and taking notes, like I haven't seen most members do! She is very careful and with clear characters, writes down her testimony and what she learns, in the margins and cover of the book. It was impressive. Especially, since most investigators (espesially the first time you give them the BOM) don't really do more than flip through the pages here and there.
Then we did Temple Tours on Saturday. It was a little crazy and we had back to back tours all day. Jing Fen came to do a tour at 3 and we didn't have time to get to her until 5 when we could go to dinner, so we went with her and then when we got back there were other tours waiting for us. So we didn't get to her until 7. She waited there all day, taking pictuers of the temple and the chaple and talking with a very talkitive old man that had done a tour that morning and also stayed all day reading the BOM. There was a baptismal service at 6 and since she was just sitting there, the missionaries in the area invited her to attend. When we met with her after that she was grinning and happy. We did a tour then took her out to touch the walls of the temple and she asked us when she could get baptised. She knows her own date but wanted it sooner. She is so good. *sigh* I don't want to hand her over to someone else.
Temple Tours were very eventful that day. I think we really helped some people, a few missionaries brought in some of their investigators and I think by the time they left they really had a desire. My testimoney on prayer made one woman cry. That was a first. I chalk that one up to the spirit. Laura, I think I've mentioned her before, she also came to do a tour and I think she is really beginning to open up to the gosple. She was so excited about the temple, I've never seen her so animated. Its a good progression.
Well today is the day of freedom for my country, and I will pass it off with our favorite members here, Boya and Karina, wraping dumplings and watching Kung Foo Panda 2. I am comforted to know that this is the only one that I will miss on my mission. I miss American celebrations so much, we do it a little differently than the chinese. (Bigger, and with more excitement!)
Thats all I have time to write for now. I love you guys, remember to be good and say your prayers every night. Oh, and write your missionaries. :)
Sister Melissa Thiessen

Taiwan Taipei Mission
F4, No. 24, Land 183, Chin Hua St.
Taipei, Taiwan 106-42

EMAIL-- melissa.thiessen@myldsmail.net

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