Monday, July 11, 2011

District Meeting

So this week flew by, we seemed to have so much to do every day. Tuesday was district meeting, and Wednesday my companion was in Taipei all day for a senior companion-training meeting. So I got to go to a nearby city called Tucheng with Sister Petersen and another sister we were with in the MTC, Sister Van Duren. It was a lot of fun to be together again, and we had an awesome day. Tucheng is a really big area and we biked out to the farthest corner, which is an hour away, both ways. It was a beautiful ride. Our lesson there unfortunately fell through so we spent two hours trying to locate some member's houses to visit them, but no one was home...or we couldn't find the address. Then it was time to bike back. I was on a bike borrowed from another Sister that is about half the size of my bike. It was really short. And it murdered my knees. But it was a really fun day nonetheless. We got back to our area just in time for English class. I am now teaching the advanced class again, which is a lot of fun. The people in this area probably have the best overall English I have seen yet.

Thursday we had wps, and Friday we went to Taipei to go to the dentist. It was my first time at a Taiwanese dentist and I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was a really nice place. They took me in immediately to do an x-ray and then sat me down in the chair and saw me. I thought that I had a cavity because one of my molars had this big black spot. I was a little worried about it. But the dentist poked around for a minute and then discovered it wasn’t a cavity at all! It was just something wedged really tightly in my tooth! He resealed my tooth for me and then cleaned my teeth. That was the weird part. They put a large cloth over my head with a hole for my mouth. It was like being blindfolded for a teeth cleaning, which was done with a little drill and some scraping and that’s it. It was almost a little creepy... all in all it took about 5 or 8 minutes and I was done.

Ironically while I was in for my 'cavity', my companion wanted to get her teeth cleaned and they found that she had 3 cavities! I got to watch them fix them.

This week, as we have been notified of last night we will have a temporary missionary with us. She should be arriving today sometime. The ridiculous thing is that the missionary office didn't tell us, the 'duanchuan' sister called us herself to tell us she was dropping off her stuff this morning! Short notice much. Our apartment is one room with two beds; we don't know where we will put her. hah.

Well that’s about it. I love you guys! Keep writing!

Sister Thiessen

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