Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear family members and friends, are ya? Its been a long time. Coming up on 1 whole year now. Wow. That is a weird thought. Just want you all to know that I miss you all a great deal. But things are progressing here and its good.
This week went by in a strange fashion, it seemed like a lot of it was out of my area. On Monday we returned to my second area, the lovely Danshui. Its a Sea side city and we traveled across to the island just off the coast by a short ferry ride and tandem biked for a bit along a gorgeous coast trail. It was really great. Then we traveled back to Taipei to pick up our mini missionary.
Her name is Sister Huang, and she is a delightful 16 yr old. She is very brave and very friendly. When we went contacting or knocking or called numbers she was always willing to do any and everything. We contacted in a park for a couple of hours and she bravely went off on her own to talk to absolutely everyone. I imagine at 16 I wouldn't have the courage necessary for that. She is a trooper. We went tracting several times in the dumping rain, without rain coats or umbrellas and she trooped it out. She was great.
Tuesday and Wednesday I was in Xinzhuang again on exchanges, this time with sister Petersen. My mtc companion. It was a great exchange and I feel like we really helped each other again through some emotional moments. I feel like she is the one thing that pulled me through the MTC, where I was a bit of a mess. This exchange I feel like I got to return the favor a little. Then we got to see each other again on Thursday because we had a special junior companion meeting. It was pretty good, and Sister Peterson and I were spontaneously called to talk with about 5 minutes to prepare something. I was surprised at how well I did, i was hardly nervous at all, and I delivered it clearly and with feeling. Several people told me after that it was pretty good. Now I don't say this to, ya know, puff up my own self image or anything. Its just remarkable to me about how far I have come with my comfort zone about these things, to be able to now deliver that kind of message on the fly and do it well is a huge improvement from where I was before my mission when I was hesitant to even go share my testimony in church.
Last night we had something of a little party with our favorite new members. They had a Costco field trip (mom when I get back to the states we HAVE to go to Costco.) recently and bought all the makings for delicious quesadillas. Yesterday our district leader, elder Van Drew, and I got in touch with our Mexican sides (him in a more literal sense since his grandmother is from Mexico) and whipped up some mighty delicious beef and chicken quesadillas for our little Taiwanese friends. They had never tasted such creations before. Mexican food is un-findable in Taiwan at large. It was a fun experience.
Well I have taken far too long on emails today and I want to send some pictures so I had better call it an end. I love you all! Jia you and keep your prayers and church attendance strong! Yes! This means you!
Sister Thiessen

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