Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Temple Day

Today we are going to the temple! Yay! the last time before it will be closed until November for renovations. That means that my time to write is going to be very short. But I will type as very fast as I possibly can so I can get a couple of good paragraphs in.
This last week and a half has been both really long and really fast. We had Zone conference last week which was really good. We had it with the Zone next door as well, so I got to see several of my favorite elders from previous areas. It was nice to be able to talk to them after such a long time of moving and moving and moving. Its more or less a mission joke, the number of times that I move.
Besides that nothing really exciting has happened. We also had exchanges, and I got to go with my "meimei" (or little sister), that's mission speak for the other sister that my trainer trained. It was a really good exchange and I really like Sister Holm (previously mentioned meimei) she is only on her 2nd transfer and already she is helping teach and such. Her Chinese is pretty good for a second transfer missionary.Next exchange I will be with my beloved Sister Wynder! Yaaay. It will be a good one. We landed in neighboring areas this transfer haha.
We have several great investigators that are quickly progressing towards baptism here and I am really excited about a couple of them. One of them is so golden its beautiful. We had a lesson with her yesterday and learned about repentance. She got very thoughtful and quiet and said "This weekend I had a fight with my mom, and I had a bad attitude about it. I am going to go home and repent" It was the coolest thing. She is getting baptized on the 3rd provided her family doesn't oppose *fingers crossed*
Besides that, zhubei is good, good and hot! Eesh! But I'm getting good amounts of exorcise in under all the sweat because we are routinely biking up massive hills to visit our investigators. And I'm loving it. My legs are loving it too. They need something to whip them back into shape.
That's all the time I have friends. I love you all, I will be writing again in a couple of days, on Monday! Jia you, and don't forget to write your missionaries!
Melissa Thiessen

Taiwan, Taipei Mission
Sister Melissa Thiessen
F4, No.24, Lane 183, Chin Hua St.
106-42 Taipei, TAIWAN

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