Monday, August 1, 2011

Transfer #7

The beginning of my 7th transfer has dawned on me, and I have once again been called to move. And once again it is quite a good distance too. I am now located in the farthest west point of my mission, in a city called Zhubei. Its more rural than the Taibei inner city of Baqiao, my last area, and more like my last last area Zhong Li. I have now spanned the entire perimeter of my mission, and covered the inner area too. I've seen north, east and west parts of Taiwan, I just need to visit the south part of Taiwan (In the other Taiwan mission boundaries) and I'll have seen the whole island. Yeah I move a lot.
My new companion is from Korea, her name is Sister Choi. She is a lovely little sister though I haven't gotten to know her really well yet. She studied at BYUI and BYU so her English is very good, though thus far we have mostly been speaking in Chinese. We will probably be doing a lot of Chinglish (chinese-english) this transfer. Which is ok. Recently I have been very grateful to reach a more or less comfortable point in the language. I understand most if not all of normal conversation and can more or less express what I want to say intelligibly. I have to be careful not to get complacent.
One shocking surprise this move call, it came as a heavy blow to my every expectation. I did not go senior companion. The call never came, for whatever the reason, and I am still junior. The oldest Junior companion. It was a very disheartening blow, and I questioned a lot of things in consequence. But who can say why it happened. Carry on through all our greatest disappointments I guess.
One highlight of the end of last transfer, We had two baptisms after two transfers of work. We now have two very new members in the Banqiao ward and I have great hopes for those two. They will fit right in, Wei Fan is a very congenial woman we have been teaching my two transfers in Banqiao, and NiuNiu is a young college age girl with a sparkling testimony and a friendly personality. They are both very sweet and I was sad to go and leave them, but I know they will be fine. They are both really steady. Since Banqiao was my first area where I remained longer than 1 transfer, it will always have a special place in my heart. And so will the members and people that I got to know there.
7th transfer, 6th area. I have a feeling I will be here for a while. It is the farthest from the mission home I can go outside of my previous zone of Hualian-Taidong.
Write me! I love you!
Sister Thiessen

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